Your abstract may be presented orally or as a poster (more information can be found below). Please indicate your preference in the registration portal. As space for oral presentations is limited, the ABNA Conference Committee may need to override your preference
You will be notified of the outcome of your submission via email by September
You must submit your abstract through this portal
Word limit: 300 (excluding title, authors and references)
Figures and tables are not permitted
If you have changes to your abstract, please log into the abstract site as a returning user
You will be able to edit your submitted abstracts until midnight the Sunday before submissions close
Do not create a new submission. No changes can be made to abstract content after the submission deadline
Prizes will be awarded for:
Best Poster
Best Rapid Fire Presentation (5 min)
Best Oral Presentation (15 min)
Abstract Submission categories
Aquatic Biobanking
Donors and Beneficiaries
Challenging Ideas
Precious Resources in Biobanking
Agricultural Biobanking and Biodiversity
Zoological Biobanking
Biobanking and Innovation
Biobanking Research
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Posters must be A0 portrait size or less
A copy of your posters should also be uploaded to this portal as a PDF in the following format: SURNAME_Firstname_poster2020.pdf
Posters should be handed in at the registration desk upon arrival (ABNA Committee members will organise posters on the display)
Please stand at your poster during the designated poster presentation times (see program)
You will need to take your poster down yourself by the end of the conference, no earlier than 2pm, Friday 21 October
Rapid Fire Oral Presentations
Rapid Fire Presentations will be 10 min in length
Please ensure your presentation is uploaded in this portal (PowerPoint only) by midnight Monday 17 October
Please save your presentations in the following format: SURNAME_Firstname_rapidfire2022.ppt